Leah Cox and Karsyn Mitchell are best friends and birthday twins…sharing a January 19 birthday! This year, they decided to celebrate their 10th birthday by having a drive-by parade to collect items to make birthday bags for the CEC! Friends and relatives drove by, dropping off cake mix, frosting, candles, brownie mix, gift bags, cards, balloons, and everything you can think of to make a birthday great! The girls are students at Walker Creek Elementary and even their teachers stopped by to donate goodies!
Leah and Karsyn collected a whopping 246 lbs. worth of birthday fun! Because of their creative efforts and giving hearts, the CEC will be able to provide these birthday bags to families coming to our food pantry for assistance. Often times, birthday fun is not in the budget for families struggling financially. Thanks to Leah and Karsyn, birthdays will once again be a time for celebration!