CEC Golf Classic
Friday, April 11, 2025
Iron Horse Golf Course
Sponsorships Available Now!
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2023 Annual Report
Over 30 years experience changing lives in NE Tarrant County
What began as a small food pantry in the late 1970s has grown into a multi-service resource for struggling families, empowering people and providing hope for a bright future.
Over 900,000 nutritious meals provided to families through the CEC Food Pantry each year.
Homeless families, victims of family violence & low income families find safety and stability in CEC owned & managed housing.
Employment & Financial Coaching
Improve your income, increase your credit score & find a way to save for the future.
Adult Education
Earn your High School Equivalency, improve job skills, get college application assistance, & start your new path.
Because we care about you, we want to make your visit a good experience!
ALL visitors please enter through the Welcome Center
Our friendly Welcome Center personnel will be available to direct anyone coming to the CEC requesting assistance, seeking information, arriving for a scheduled appointment or meeting to the right person. The Welcome Center will allow us to centralize our intake area and reception area into one easily identified area and create a much more user-friendly experience for anyone coming to the CEC.
Welcome Center Hours
Monday – Friday 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Volunteer & Support
If you would like to support the CEC’s efforts to help families in our community, please visit Our Support and/or Volunteer.

Interested in volunteering as a family? The CEC offers volunteer opportunities for your whole family.
All ages welcome! Volunteers ages 10-14 years old MUST have supervision present. Volunteers MUST be 16 years or older to volunteer without supervision.
Make an impact with your organization by volunteering as a group! CEC provides a fun and engaging environment for group/corporate volunteering. Breaking down the walls of corporate hierarchy and creating a great team building experience.
The requirements for these events may vary. Here you can find information about Special Event volunteer opportunities. Past, present and future. Most of these events are on the the weekend . Please check the calendar to confirm.
Why Choose Us!
The Community Enrichment Center (CEC) commits to cultivating a more vibrant and economically sustainable Tarrant County by providing multi-generational, multi-staged support for homeless and low income individuals and families as well as victims of domestic violence. Our mission is to change lives by restoring hope and sharing God’s love. Investing in those suffering the injustices of poverty demonstrates our belief a person’s current situation doesn’t necessarily define who they are, or their potential. Through the CEC’s program strategy, we illustrate how overcoming adversity and challenges can inspire greater resolve and strengthen determination in our clients, their families and in generations to come.
Click here to visit our Candid Profile.
Latest from our Blog
We hear many stories that break our hearts and cause us to stop and reflect on our own blessings. But we also get to participate in creating new stories of hope and success. We know that alone we do very little but together we can do great things! Relying on our faith in God and each other, the CEC works with the community to build new, wonderful stories for families all over NE Tarrant County.