Financial Coaching Services is an opportunity to connect with a coach to explore possibilities and develop a plan focusing on the occupational & financial goals you want to accomplish.  This all-inclusive service will provide you with the tools and resources to stay on track in the direction you want to go.  Through this partnership, coaches will empower, support, guide and encourage you along your journey.  Ready to get started?  Take a look at some of the topics we cover and contact us today to meet with a coach!

Money Management

  • Budgeting Tools & Spending Plans
  • Financial Goals
  • Credit Building
  • Tax Planning & Preparation
  • Learn more about VITA
  • Home-ownership Assessment & Readiness

Learn more and explore budgeting tools:

For information on how you can have a Financial Coach, contact

Credit Building

Did you know that a bad credit score can keep you from getting approved for a loan? Getting an apartment? Cause you to pay twice as much interest? The CEC Financial Coaches can help you better understand your credit and guide you towards improving that number and achieving financial freedom.

It is reported that 50% of Americans have a false, negative report on their credit report. Check your credit report….often!

For more information, contact

VITA (Volunteer Income Tax Assistance)

CEC is one of two VITA sites in Northeast Tarrant County. This is a free service to anyone with a gross annual income up to $67,000. Text file4free to 51555 to schedule an appointment.