Imagine yourself as a young high school student living on your own, struggling to make ends meet. You work a minimum wage job at a fast food restaurant. You are either spending the night in your car, or couch surfing from one friend’s house to another, or spending most of what you make on a motel room for you and your siblings. Your last bit of money went to a gas station hotdog last night so you could have some warm food in your stomach. Now, your car is running on fumes and it barely got you to school this morning. How would you get yourself to work after school tonight? How will you drive to where you are sleeping tonight without any gas? Or maybe you need to pay your friend some gas money but you don’t have a dime. What are you going to do!?
Such experience is common among the students whom our school district classifies as homeless; numbering from around 200 to 400 each year. For this reason, the CEC partners up with the Northeast Tarrant Chamber of Commerce to provide gas cards for homeless students in BISD. The Chamber diplomats raise the necessary money while the CEC purchases the gas cards. Then, the school district receives the gas cards and distributes them to homeless students via the Student Support Specialists. This collaboration empowers homeless students to change and helps them break the cycle of poverty. To find out how you can empower more people to change, give us a call at 817-281-1164 or click here.